The Right to be Wrong; AMLO; Law of the Sea | 60 Minutes Full Episodes


▪️Amlo did not end the corruption in Mexico
▪️He diverted the corruption to benefit his family and friends of his kids
▪️AMLO Canceled hundreds of social programs and used the money to benefit his own programs, programs created for 2 purposes, buy peoples will to vote for them, and finance the campaign of Claudia Sheinbaum for 5+ years against the constitution

▪️AMLO constantly violates the law, and the constitution claims that he is above the law
▪️He is a president who owes his loyalty to the Cartel of Sinaloa, not Mexico. (He visits the CDS land without press, in the middle of the night, with only his personal helpers)

🔹️AMLO uses the same tactics as D. TRUMP to intimidate and get votes
🔹️»We get support from the poor… once the poor aren’t poor anymore, they get ungrateful.
🔸️»The more educated people are, the less they support our government»
🔸️He is not fighting the cartels. He is enabling them

🔹️»Criminals are human beings,» too. Therefore, they need to be treated as such, cartels are beheading people, beating taxi drivers, killing political candidates, killing journalists, and they still are supposed to be treated as human beens.
🔸️AMLO uses money from the mexican taxes collected to support the governments of Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and any country that wants a comunist government.

🔹️He created new millionaires, and those new millionaires are the once close to him, such as his brothers, his kids, and friends of his kids
🔸️Carlos Slim, once the leader of the Maffia of the Power, increased his fortune greatly. Because amlo gave him contracts and paid him millions of dollars for an airport that was canceled

🔹️AMLO has created companies that are operated by the government that do not work they cost millions.
▪️Airline that flies with 1 passenger
▪️Refinery that went fom 8 million usd to 20 million usd and is not even finished (AMLO has inaugurated it 3 times already)
▪️An Airport that no one uses, not even him
▪️A train that again, is not even finished, and it has cost us 3 times the original budget


🔸️Violance is worse than ever
🔹️Highways are not being fix

🔸️The mexican ARMY are working in the construction, instead of protecting the country, and the GN are supposed to be doing the work of the military, but they do nothing about it.

🔸️He sold the Presidente’s Airplane claiming that he was gonna use the precedes to build hospitals, buy medicines, and build schools, it was all a lie, the airplane couldn’t be sold it was unxer a a lease contract, he ended up giving it to a Putin’s puppet in an asian country and Mexico is still paying for it.

🔸️He created a BIG Pharmacy in Mexico that claims the following:

▪️Medicine will be delivered to any part of the mexico within 2 hours, and it has all the medicines of the world… Some people claimed that they don’t even have insuline

▪️He promised that his Health Program was going to be better than that of Denmark and medicine and medical services were going to be free starting on «2020, no 2021, or 2023, or March 1st 2024 alright then, right before we leave the government»

🔸️He lies constantly, he makes up things, and he says that only thieves, liars, and corrupts get sick by Covid-19. He has had Covid-19 three times.
🔹️He puts himself at the level of Jesus Christ, and his followers do believe that he is the messiah «incarnated»
🔸️His sons never worked in their lives, and they became millionaires selling beer and chocolate
🔹️He appointed a judge to the Supreme Court of the Nation who has no idea how the law works… and another one who bought her thesis to get her credentials

🔸️Corruption,  robbery, killings, insecurity, are worst than before and none of the corrupt people from the past are in jail or prosecuted, in fact the corrupt people of the past are in his Political Party and his government.

Johnny DJ

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